The Inner Changemaker Podcast

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TICM 95 | Craig Ballantyne | How To Have The Perfect Day

Would you like to have a perfect day? 

How would you spend your perfect day? 

Our guest this week is the master of the perfect days. 

Craig Ballantyne is a Productivity & Success Transformation Coach from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and the author of The Perfect Day Formula: How to Own the Day and Control Your Life. He has been contributing to Men's Health magazine since 2000, and in 2001, Craig created the popular home workout program, Turbulence Training.

On his journey to success, Craig had to overcome crippling anxiety attacks, and he beat them with his 5 Pillars of Transformation. Today Craig shows men and women how to use the 5 Pillars to lose 10 to 75 pounds, get a raise and make more money, find the love of their life, and overcome any obstacle in the way of success.

See this SoundCloud audio in the original post

What You Will Discover From This Episode

  • How Craig overcame his anxiety using his 5 pillars of transformations
  • The Perfect Day formula and what should mean to you
  • How you can have more consistent perfect days
  • What is the best time to wake up 
  • Craig's rules of life and how you can incorporate them as your own 
  • and so much more!! 

Listen on iTunes I Listen on Stitcher Radio I Stream it from Soundcloud | Download as MP3s (right click “save as”): 

*** IF you enjoy this episode, you will also enjoy:

TICM 31 - Chris Thomson on How To Be Referable And Achieve Anything

Craig Ballantyne | 10-3-2-1- Formula |  Turbulence Training Videos 

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