Is Your Work Unmistakable?

Is Your Work Unmistakable?

Recently I had the opportunity to chat with Srini Rao from Unmistakable Creative. Chief Creative Instigator, podcast host and author of the Wall Street Journal bestseller The Art of Being Unmistakable, Srini has conducted over 600 interviews with thought leaders and people from every walk of life, all of whom share a special trait: in some way or another, they are unmistakable. What follows are a collection of 6 ways to be unmistakable based on our conversation. But first, what does being unmistakable actually mean?


According to Srini, being unmistakable means doing things that are so distinctive, unique, and original, that they're immediately recognized as things that you did. It means that you do work so distinctive, you don't even need to put a signature on it - indeed, the work is itself a signature. It's a kind of creative fingerprint, based on your unique set of skills, experiences and personality quirks.


So how do you go about creating distinctive and unmistakable work? Srini has some tips for you:

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