211 | Do Everything You Can To Leave A Legacy Behind

211 | Do Everything You Can To Leave A Legacy Behind

This is one of those topics that I find hard not to get emotional about. 

Recently, I met one of my favourite private clients in person and what she shared with me resonated on a deep level. 

The reason we get up

The reason we create content

The reason we show up 

Comes down to understanding an internal pull towards your vision. 

This is better than willpower. 

Or great habits. 

Or any type of personal development hacks out there. 

It's part of the reason you are who you are. However, it's a matter of understanding the power behind "THIS" and knowing how to share it with the world. 

We are waiting for you to step into this :)

Enjoy the episode. 

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210 | No Pressure, No Diamonds

210 | No Pressure, No Diamonds

Dedicated to the person who is choosing to defy odds even in the face of tragedy and heartbreak. 

Dedicated to the person who is having a bad week, a bad month, or even a bad year. 

This one is for you. 

It's what the BEST high performing changemakers know how to do. 

3 simple steps in reversing a negative situation. 

Use these tools wisely. 

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209 | The True Purpose Of A Podcast

209 | The True Purpose Of A Podcast

The purpose of a podcast is NOT what you think it is...

Yes, it gives you celebrity within your marketplace (especially hitting Top 100 from the beginning)
Yes, you get to build some amazing relationships
Yes, it can create conversions for you and your business

BUT the TRUE purpose of a podcast is none of those things.

Find out in this special episode of the podcast

Let me know your thoughts here:

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208 | Want to market your BRAND through VOICE in 2018? Do this!

208 | Want to market your BRAND through VOICE in 2018? Do this!

Earlier this week, a previous student asked me to come onto his LIVE radio show... 

We had so much trouble "connecting" LIVE that by the time we did, it was too late for the interview. 

In any case, we had previously decided to spend the hour in the following way: 

First 30 mins - interview for his show 
Last 30 mins - catch-up and share what's currently working with each other

Since we were short on time, we jumped directly into the latter part. 

What came after was pretty shocking...

You see, Edwin Frondozo (my student and host of the Business and Leadership podcast) had recently partnered up with a NEW platform. 

He is one of their "early beta-testers"
and he wanted to prove to me that it worked...

So we pressed record on the call

...thinking we would never show this to anyone... 

Because of what we discussed on the call...things such as: 

- secrets of the NEW platform that he was using 
- the truth behind conducting interviews in 2018/2019  
- the exact blueprint to grow any coaching or consulting business
- how to properly monetize and partner with EACH guest
- and so much more

This is going to be up for a limited time

In fact, he messaged the CEO of the platform asking if it was OK to share this...

We haven't heard back yet...

BUT I figured...

Even if it's ONLY the next 24 hours, it would be worth the risk to you :) 

Let me know your thoughts here: http://www.thejaywong.com/social 

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TICM 207 | Engel Jones | The Impactful 12

TICM 207 | Engel Jones | The Impactful 12

This is the interview I did with Engel Jones after our interview last week. 

We discussed his journey around the country, why he is doing this, and how podcasting has affected his life. 

Be prepared...to get inspired to have TRUE conversations in your life.

To support Engel on his journey, simply donate a minimum of $40 to his cause here --> https://www.gofundme.com/12minconvos

Take a print screen of it and my team will give you access to our training "Podcast Mastery" ($297 value) for FREE so you can get going on your journey.

To follow Engel, you can do so at:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/12minconvos/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPkwQjEvVcBqNukM9NgSC4A
Podcast: https://twelveminuteconvos.com/

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TICM 206 | The 2 Real Reasons You Need To Start A Podcast

TICM 206 | The 2 Real Reasons You Need To Start A Podcast

Last week, I was reminded of WHY I even began a podcast. The reasons were not driven by vanity metrics OR even revenue.

It was simple.
1) I wanted to find, create and get my message out there
2) I wanted to interview my heroes

When Engel Jones invited me to come on his show for a "round 2", I jumped at the opportunity. I never expected for him to share with me the 2 REAL reasons why every business owner needs a podcast.

To support Engel on his journey, simply donate a minimum of $40 to his cause here --> https://www.gofundme.com/12minconvos

Take a print screen of it and my team will give you access to our training "Podcast Mastery" ($297 value) for FREE so you can get going on your journey.

To follow Engel, you can do so at:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/12minconvos/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPkwQjEvVcBqNukM9NgSC4A
Podcast: https://twelveminuteconvos.com/

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